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To live life to the fullest, it is very important to take care of your heart. Your heart health is central to overall good health. Its main function is to pump blood around the body with every beat of heart and this blood carries nutrients and oxygen to all parts of your body and eliminates the unwanted carbon die oxide and waste products.

Unlike many other health issues, problems related to heart can be prevented by making major changes in the lifestyle for achieving a healthy heart. Here are some essential tips for a healthy heart to ensure you keep your heart the healthier way you can.

1. Become Physically Active:

When you are physically inactive and don’t involve yourself in physical activities or if you don’t move much it can cause your heart at risk and this can also lead to heart related heart problems like heart attack and stroke. So, it is very important for you to involve yourself in some kind of physical activities like exercising, doing gym, swimming, walking etc. These kind of physical activities will not only help you achieve good body figure but also good heart health. Various studies shows that doing some kind of physical activities for at least 40 – 50 minutes a day can keep your heart healthy.

2. Adapt Healthy Eating Habits:

Eating a well-balanced and healthy diet contributes a lot in keeping heart healthy. Some heart healthy foods are vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, seeds, pulses, whole grains etc. Maintaining a low – salt diet, eating more plant based food and healthy protein are very good for heart health. Besides, some eating habits which you should change or avoid eating are white sugar, refined flour, fried food, fast food, meat and flesh.

3. Reduce Alcohol Intake:

Regular or excessive alcohol intake can associate with many health problems like high bold pressure, obesity, diabetes and other heart related problems like weakened heart muscles, irregular heartbeat, heart attack, heart failure or stroke. In order to keep your heart healthy you should avoid alcohol intake or you can have it in low level.

4. Quit Smoking:

Smoking is one of the major risk factor for coronary heart diseases and also other serious health issues like cancer. Nicotine narrows the blood vessels which can lead to high blood pressure, increased risk of kidney failure and a heart stroke. Quitting smoking would be one of the best thing you can do for a better overall health as well as heart health.

5. Maintain A Healthy Weight:

Increased body weight or obesity can lead to many serious health conditions including heart related problems and circulatory diseases such heart attack, stroke, vascular dementia and may others. The key for maintaining a healthy weight is to eat heart healthy food, drink more water and exercise regularly.

6. Manage Your Blood Pressure:

Having high blood pressure can lead to heart health problems like heart attack and stroke. Which is why it is very important to get your blood pressure checked regularly and take regular medications if you have hypertension.

7. Manage Your Blood Sugar Level:

Having high blood sugar levels such as Diabetes can lead you at more risk of heart disease. It can damage your blood vessels due to high sugar level in the blood.

8. Manage Cholesterol:

Having high cholesterol level can increase the risk of a range of health conditions including heart attack and heart stroke. Heart healthy eating pattern and staying active can help in lowering cholesterol levels. Avoid non vegetarian foods and saturated and trans fats. Increase amount foods with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

9. Control Your Stress:

Maintaining good mental health is as important as maintaining physical health. Uncontrolled stress and poor mental health can result into many serious health problems including the increasing risk of heart related problems. Leading a healthy lifestyle like eating heart healthy food, staying active, drinking more water, staying active, doing yoga and meditation can help staying calm and controlling stress.

10. Get Sufficient Sleep:

Insufficient sleep causes some of the most potential health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart failure, heart attack and stroke. People having poor sleeping habits are at high risk for heart diseases, hormonal imbalance etc. For a good mental and physical health you should sleep for at least 6-8 hours. Good sleep promotes good mental and physical health, balances hormones, relieves stress and makes you feel refreshed.

Early Heart Disease often does not have strong symptoms and are hardly noticeable. That’s why regular checkups and screening with your doctor is very important especially when you are in middle age. For a FREE Heart Health Check Up, you can call Cordis Heart Institute / Vedshri Heart at 8369439101

EECP Treatment is the best treatment for heart blockages. EECP treatment is an alternative to angioplasty and bypass surgery. EECP is also known as Natural Bypass Therapy. Cordis Heart Institute Provides one of the best EECP Treatment in Mumbai. At Cordis Heart institute we have avoided approximately 10,000+ Bypass Surgery and 8000+ Angioplasty. We have also treated 15000+ heart patients with EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation).

We have 3 EECP centres across Mumbai in Mira Road, Thane & Ghatkopar. For any information or more queries about heart related issues or EECP Treatment, Please Call Us on +91 8369439101 or you can also visit our websites.https://vedshri.in/ or http://cordisheartinstitute.com/.



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