Success Stories

Mr. Lal Bahadur Vishwakarma

Age: 65 years
Sex: Male
TMT - Borderline Positive (Before) to Negative (After)
Complaint Before Eecp?Suffered a heart attack, Had 3 heart blockages & was experiencing chest pain even after Angioplasty
After Eecp Treatment? Chest pain was less after 10 sessions of EECP. Completely improved and was able to walk without any difficulty & had no problems after completion of EECP Treatment.

Mr. Suresh Lohar

Age: 35 years
Sex: Male
EF - 20% to 35%
Complaint Before Eecp? Chest pain, Anxiety
After Eecp Treatment? No chest pain, leads a normal life, can do exercise / daily activity without any problem.

Mr. Dharma Matlani

Age: 76 years
Sex: Male
EF - 45% to 55%
Complaint Before Eecp?Dyspnea on exertion, heaviness in chest.
After Eecp Treatment? Symptomatically better

eecp patient

Mr. Mohd. Razak Shaikh

Age: 63 years
Sex: Male
Complaint Before Eecp?Chest pain, breathlessness on exertion, difficulty in walking & climbing stairs.
After Eecp Treatment? Less chest pain, able to walk & climb stairs without any difficulty. Link

Mr. Mehboob Shaikh

Age: 65 years
Sex: Male
3D Vasculography- 34.96%(Pre)-GBFDI-14.42%(post)
Complaint Before Eecp?Severe chest pain, left shoulder pain, difficulty in walking, breathlessness on exertion
After Eecp Treatment? Less chest pain, no difficulty in walking & climbing stairs

Mr. Nafis M Shahpuri

Age: 58 years
Sex: Male
3D Vasculography- 34.96%(Pre)-GBFDI-14.42%(post)
Complaint Before Eecp?Severe Chest Pain.
After Eecp Treatment? Less chest pain after EECP treatment

Mrs. Sangeeta Sonawane

Age: 53
Sex: Female
EF - 45% to 55%
Complaint Before Eecp?TMT positive, multiple blockages, cannot walk more than 4 mins.
After Eecp Treatment? Leading normal life now, does daily routine normal work

Shanti Devi eecp treatment feedback

Mrs. Shanti Devi

Age: 60
Sex: Female
EF - 35% to 40%
Complaint Before Eecp?Chest pain, chest heaviness, Restricted to Daily walk,
After Eecp Treatment? Quality Life has improved she can do daily household work and follow a normal Routine

Wilban Lewis

Age: 52
Sex: Male Residence: Raigad
Patients Feedback After 20 Days Of Treatment:
Complaint Before Eecp? Heavy breathless was suggested Angioplasty
After Eecp Treatment? am able to walk again for more than 30 minutes without any difficulty
Patients Feedback After 20 Days Of Treatment: I was having difficulty in walking for more than 5 minutes and getting breathless visiting my cardiologist he suggested to do angioplasty but I wanted take another opinion. I found cordis on the internet. I had done the same in 2015 when I got my first attack and benefitted a lot then. I have completed 20 sessions of eecp here and am feeling very fit and am able to walk again for more than 30 minutes without any difficulty. The atmosphere at Cordis is also very nice and the staff is very friendly. My Wife and I had a very pleasant experience every session. The doctor is very understanding explains every aspect of treatment to us.

Mayurika Shah

Age: 65 Sex: Female Residence: Kandivali West
Patients Feedback After 35 Days Of Treatment: What Was Your Medical Complaint Before Eecp? Got Heart Stroke.
What Benefit Did You Get After 35 Days Of Eecp Treatment? Excellent Cant Describe In Few Words. Fully Satisfied.

Lalchandra Meinrad

Age: 69 Sex: Male Residence: Borivali
Patients Feedback After 35 Days Of Treatment
What Was Your Medical Complaint Before Eecp? Got Heart Stroke.
What Benefit Did You Get After 35 Days Of Eecp Treatment?
Excellent Cant Describe In Few Words. Fully Satisfied.